Saturday, October 28, 2006

Raya pics - ah jo group...

Well, here are some pics (Raya pics) for the past few days of visiting.. sorry it took so long to upload...

Princess Pei Pei and Princess Li Li.

Elaine.. quenching her thrist.. hmmm

Pn Eliza's husband.. what a gentlemen

5 Sc 1 hanging out.. yo! yo!

happy.. our ever-loving driver. *ahem.. (she's gonna kill me now.. x-x)

p/s: i used my phone alright.. so quality .. not so good.. *paham-paham la... * Enjoy!


I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day
I don't borrow from its sunshine, for its skies may turn to gray
I don't worry over the future, for I know what Jesus said
And today I'll walk beside Him, for He knows what is ahead.

Every step is getting brighter, as the gold enstatite I climb
Every burdens getting lighter,
Every cloud is silverlined
There the sun is always shinning
There no tear will dim the eye
At the ending of the rainbow, where the mountains touch the sky

I don't know about tomorrow, It may bring me poverty
But the one who feeds the sparrow, is the one who stands by me
And the path that is my portion, may be thro the flame or flood
But His presence goes before me, and I'm covered with His blood

Many things about tomorrow, I don't seen to understand
I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand!

I hope this poem (Geral says it's a song actually =P *pokes Geral*) lifts ur spirits..! Give it ur best! =)
God bless u heaps!
lots of love to all of u. =) cheers!~

Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya

Remember now, we still have bio, kimia, physics and add math homework...unless you're not going to school anymore!Hehehe..anyways, have fun , take it easy now.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Happy birthday

Happy 17th Geral!!!!!

Happy 16th Sugi!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

rain gutter history

Sejarah Saluran Hujan:

- I think everyone's copied it, so I'll just take it off right now, Marland's right- (G.Cg)

*p/s: thanks abi*

add math graph

-Thanks Evelyn, I think everyone's copied the thing, I'll take this off too-(G.Cg)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Love it or hate it

The school magazine is out!And whooohooot!It's good.Love it or hate it?Vote in the poll!!It's actually nice to have something this pretty to read this month*week*.Kinda relieves the stress. And anyone who wishes to buy a copy can get it for RM20 from the School Office, or jsut ask the girls to get them for you.(and pay up of course)

Anyway, Add Math project's being a pain in the ar..ass.Remember, it's due this Thursday.
Do chapter *whichever you're on* until chapter 10 for EST

Monday, October 16, 2006

Chem forecast questions

for those who didn't attend sch today.. Ckg Jasmee gave these tips. he said that they're the forecast questions for this yr (I think!). Heard this fm Joanna actually cos' Ellie, Jan & I were busy taking a "sneak-peak" at our sch mag during Chem period! =) Teehee! What can i say? we're a bunch of impatient girls! Well, at least i am.. i think i should leave both of them out of this =)


let me clue u in a lil on our mag.. front cover isn't that bad.. but it's a tad bit "odd".. Front cover consists of:
1) our sch building (as usual..) 2) a microscope 3) students' faces 4) the title lah!

the sad thing is that there are a couple of typing errors in our mag. For instance.. At the mag committee's page, Getrude's name was spelt as Gatrude & at the "seraut wjh" section, 3A1 wasn't 3A1.. they advanced to "4A5" haha, that class doesn't even exist! Poor things~! yikes.. i don't think i wanna babble anymore.. gotta type out the tips and then get studying. However, overall, i really LOVE our mag! =) teehee!!! it's lovely & our class profile looked great & sophisticated (3 cheers to stella & the rest who were involved!) unfortunately, the last page wasn't v. clear since it wasn't a glossy page (it's still readable tho!)

okay, the tips:
1.Teknik uji ion nitrat & ion klorida dlm garm
2.Bagaimana mengekstrak aluminium drp oksidanya
3. Lukis eksp pengesteran eti letanoat
4. Huraikan dgn bantuan grjh ringkas & banding mangkin +ve & -ve
5. Eks termokimia utk kira haba peneutralan
6. Lukis & terang eks natrium tiosulfat (Ktbalas with pangkah)
7. Terang teknik mbuat detergen. Beri pbezaan ant detergen dgn sabun
8. Hurai eks 8 tabung uji dlm penguraian ganda 2 garam di mana kiraan kemolaran akan berkait
9. Lukis 3 eks berasingan & ternagkan setiap satunya dr segi kepekatan larutan & pemilihan ion ketika menggunakan plumbum bromide pekat, cair & lebur
10. Eks tiub U dijalankan dgn kalium manganat (VII) pd lengan A & stanum (II) klorida di lengan B. Tulis psmn separa kimia & psm kimia lengkap (psmn keseluruhan ion) dlm tbalas ini
11. Sebut cirri-ciri fizikal & kimia yg wjd pd atom-atom bila bacaan atom-atom dibuat dr arah kiri ke kanan pada kala 3
12. Lukis gmr rajah susunan electron utk menerangkan pembentukan NaCl & tetraklorometana
13. Tulis eks lengkap utk buktikan kereaktifan asid-asid monobes, dwibes & tribes
14. Beri pbezaan ant ikatan kovalen dgn ionic & lukis 3 jenis ikatan kovalen tunggal, ganda 2 & ganda 3
15. Pbezaan ant kaca & seramik. Kemudian, sebutkan 4 jenis kaca & komposisinya
16. Terangkan kdgn & peranan bhn kimia yg wjd dlm filem fotografi
17. Kiraan tompok minyak (Paper 3, Structure Question)
18. Pbezaan ant logam, separa logam & bukan logam. SEbutkan 5 ciri penting unsure peralihan
19. Lukis isomer-isomer pentana, pentanol, pentena. Tuliskan perubahan(2x) psmn kimia lengkap yg berlaku ketika pro penambahan & penukargantian dlm bhn hidrokarbon
20. Terangkan dgn pers. Lengkap 5 jenis proses penambahan yg berlaku pad alkena
21. Huraikan peranan penggunaan ubat psikiatrik & sebutkan kategori(2x) ubat ini
22. Btmbah makanan disebut “additive” makanan yg mengikut satu akta makanan yg penting di Msia. Namakan akta itu & sebutkan definisinya. Buktikan 1 eks utk menentukan jenis-jenis pwarna wjd dlm sampel mkn itu.

Pls excuse the atrocious typing errors =)
Newsflash: Miss Chung said that if we were absent for more than 15 days this year, we’ll be given a B for attendance. I’m x sure if that includes or excludes the days we were absent with leave =) most probly, it excludes those days. Aight, happy studying! God bless!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bio.. lo... gy!

Hey guys.. here's the whole list of what Pn Suziana was talking abt this morning.. btw, i think these tips are similar to the ones the indian guy gave at the alpha course.. (Note: These are just TIPS yeah.. The guy did not set our bio paper) Just felt a sudden urge to post them =P or let's just say.. i got bored of studying =D Ahaks.. hopefully it'll come in handy! If it doesn't, sorry for hogging up the space *grins* Hmm.. Spm is days away.. (sighs) well, we've got to put in our best. All the best ;) God bless! Take care of urselfs =) xoxo

1) Eks tiub J. Anda dikehendaki menerangkan apakah penggunaan larutan pirogalet & latutan KOH berperanan dlm penyediaan eks ini. Tulis eks lengkap & sertakan teknik utk mengira peratus gas oksigen and karbon dioksida dlm satu sampel udara yang terperangkap. Sertakan langkah berjaga-jaga

2) Tuliskan eks utk membuktikan proses osmosis menggunakan tiub visking. Secara ringkas, terangkan maksud plasmolisis, deplasmolisis, hemolisis & krenasi. Tulis definisi keseimbangan dinamik & flasid

3) Lukis & label paramecium sp. & amoeba sp. & terangkan cara organisma ini melakukan proses pembiakan & pengosmokawalaturan

4) Bagaimana kaedah tangkap, tanda, lepas & tangkap sem. membantu dlm mengenalpasti populasi sesuatu organisma
- peranan proses kpd kepd petani & pekebun
- 3 anggapan penting dlm eks ini

5) Lukis 8 peringkat perubahan pd sel germa primodium & terangkan sec ringkas ciri-cirinya

6) Lukis gambaran-gambaran lengkap proses persenyawaan ganda 2 yh boleh berlaku pd bunga

7) Lukis & terangkan sistem pencernaan lembu & banding cirri-cirinya dgn system pencernaan arnab

8) Disebabkan pencemaran, masalah eutrofikasi semakin runcing, terang maksud & tulis eks menguji sambel air (eg. Perigi, sungi, pond water)

9) Lukis & label keratin rentas sec entirio (x sure what this is!) saraf tunjang. Dlm gambaran anda, tunjuk arah gerakan impuls sec refleks

10) Tuilis atur cara impuls sec refleks. Tulis tindakan bdn jika mata ternampak burung menunjuk ke matanya

11) Anda diberi jadual salah silah keluarga ttg penyakit albino, huraikan bagaimana penyakit boleh terangkai seks

12) Lukis btk/ rupa btk keratin rentas pertumbuhan primer & sekunder pd pokok monokod & dikod kwln akar & btg. Beri 5 pbezaan ant monokod & dikod. Lukis cara mengira gelang tahunan pd pokok

13) Pengkolonian kolam bbeza dgn sesaran paya bakau. Terang dr segi tanah air etc. Terangkan cara sesaran paya bakau berlaku

14) Anda dikehendaki menerangkan 5 jenis penyakit sindrom. Sebutkan 3 ciri dlm setiap sindrom. Nyatakan perbezaan ant mutasi gen & kromosom

15) Terangkan jenis-jenis pengimunan yg wjd. Lukis graf jika seseorang mendpt suntikan vaksin. Mengapakah hanya suntikan boleh digunanakan & bukan menelannya. Apakah makna antigen & hurai bagaimana bdn membina antibodi utk menentang penyakit-penyakit itu. Terangkan perbezaanant pengimunan aktif & pasif (5 points)

16) Apakah 3 mekanisme pertahanan badan

17) Mengapa asid indol asetik (auksin) penting dlm pertumbuhan pokok &hurai eks utk buktikan pokok dipengaruhi oleh rangsangan cahaya

18) Hurai maksud epidemik, pandemik & endemik

19) Beri perbezaan variasi selanjar & tak selanjar. Mengapa hanya kromosom autosom yg dipentingkan & bukannya kromosom seks? Anda dikehendaki menerangkan 4 kump manusia, terangkan kump yg bersifat penerima & pemberi unisel manakala kump yg mana X

20) Lukis satu cara penentuan rhesus darah manusia. Terangkan 1 masalah yg mungkin wjd bila factor rhesus d –ve terima sedikit f.r.d. +ve

21) Tulis eks utk uji kadar proses transpirasi pd sesuatu pokok. Terangkan bagaimana penutupan & pembukaan liang stoma boleh blaku

22) 5 teknik cegah kehamilan

23) Bagaimana tindakan homeostasis boleh blaku dlm bdn manu. Terangkan apa cara bdn melakukan kwln aras gula

24) Tulis carta aliran ttg cara Bumi tetap peratus gas nitrogen (78 percent)

25) Terangkan sis pengaliran cecair limfa * lukis struk vilus & kaitkan peranan lakteal pd sis limfa

26) Terang eks kiraan kuadrat & kepntgnnya

27) Beri perbezaan ant eritrosit & leukosit. Mengapa eritrosit x mempunyai nukleus & leukosit mpunyai nukleus.

28) Beri pbezaan meiosis 1 & 2

29) Piramid no & siratan makanan

30) Eks gula penurun & bukan penurun.

31) Cara cacing tanah bergerak & cara ikan mengawal gerakan dlm air

yeah, i know there are tons of typing errors =)

Friday, October 06, 2006

MRSM page

So here's the page for the MRSM mock papers.Knock yourself out, ho!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Extra class

There's extra class or shall I say replacement class, this Saturday.

7 October 2006,
7-11.50am(follow Tuesday's timetable)
Also, bring along the EST example essays.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Kimia talk

The kimia talk by Mr Jong is scheduled to be on, next monday, during the FIRST period(EST).
Yay to no EST.

Scratch's from 8-10am in the music room!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Just in case you forgot

Rachel B!please hand in your report card tomorrow.

About that Kimia talk in the music room, it is to be confirmed, or maybe non existent, because no one said anything about it today. Form for scholarship application are available from Pn Jennifer.

Please bring the EST essays(5 of them),your paper, the book, and hope tomorrow will be a thrilling EST day, whoo hoot.

Good luck for those who are sitting for the PBK thingy gabajingy tomorrow, and hopefully we can cut out early from school tomorrow.