Chem forecast questions
for those who didn't attend sch today.. Ckg Jasmee gave these tips. he said that they're the forecast questions for this yr (I think!). Heard this fm Joanna actually cos' Ellie, Jan & I were busy taking a "sneak-peak" at our sch mag during Chem period! =) Teehee! What can i say? we're a bunch of impatient girls! Well, at least i am.. i think i should leave both of them out of this =)
let me clue u in a lil on our mag.. front cover isn't that bad.. but it's a tad bit "odd".. Front cover consists of:
1) our sch building (as usual..) 2) a microscope 3) students' faces 4) the title lah!
the sad thing is that there are a couple of typing errors in our mag. For instance.. At the mag committee's page, Getrude's name was spelt as Gatrude & at the "seraut wjh" section, 3A1 wasn't 3A1.. they advanced to "4A5" haha, that class doesn't even exist! Poor things~! yikes.. i don't think i wanna babble anymore.. gotta type out the tips and then get studying. However, overall, i really LOVE our mag! =) teehee!!! it's lovely & our class profile looked great & sophisticated (3 cheers to stella & the rest who were involved!) unfortunately, the last page wasn't v. clear since it wasn't a glossy page (it's still readable tho!)
okay, the tips:
1.Teknik uji ion nitrat & ion klorida dlm garm
2.Bagaimana mengekstrak aluminium drp oksidanya
3. Lukis eksp pengesteran eti letanoat
4. Huraikan dgn bantuan grjh ringkas & banding mangkin +ve & -ve
5. Eks termokimia utk kira haba peneutralan
6. Lukis & terang eks natrium tiosulfat (Ktbalas with pangkah)
7. Terang teknik mbuat detergen. Beri pbezaan ant detergen dgn sabun
8. Hurai eks 8 tabung uji dlm penguraian ganda 2 garam di mana kiraan kemolaran akan berkait
9. Lukis 3 eks berasingan & ternagkan setiap satunya dr segi kepekatan larutan & pemilihan ion ketika menggunakan plumbum bromide pekat, cair & lebur
10. Eks tiub U dijalankan dgn kalium manganat (VII) pd lengan A & stanum (II) klorida di lengan B. Tulis psmn separa kimia & psm kimia lengkap (psmn keseluruhan ion) dlm tbalas ini
11. Sebut cirri-ciri fizikal & kimia yg wjd pd atom-atom bila bacaan atom-atom dibuat dr arah kiri ke kanan pada kala 3
12. Lukis gmr rajah susunan electron utk menerangkan pembentukan NaCl & tetraklorometana
13. Tulis eks lengkap utk buktikan kereaktifan asid-asid monobes, dwibes & tribes
14. Beri pbezaan ant ikatan kovalen dgn ionic & lukis 3 jenis ikatan kovalen tunggal, ganda 2 & ganda 3
15. Pbezaan ant kaca & seramik. Kemudian, sebutkan 4 jenis kaca & komposisinya
16. Terangkan kdgn & peranan bhn kimia yg wjd dlm filem fotografi
17. Kiraan tompok minyak (Paper 3, Structure Question)
18. Pbezaan ant logam, separa logam & bukan logam. SEbutkan 5 ciri penting unsure peralihan
19. Lukis isomer-isomer pentana, pentanol, pentena. Tuliskan perubahan(2x) psmn kimia lengkap yg berlaku ketika pro penambahan & penukargantian dlm bhn hidrokarbon
20. Terangkan dgn pers. Lengkap 5 jenis proses penambahan yg berlaku pad alkena
21. Huraikan peranan penggunaan ubat psikiatrik & sebutkan kategori(2x) ubat ini
22. Btmbah makanan disebut “additive” makanan yg mengikut satu akta makanan yg penting di Msia. Namakan akta itu & sebutkan definisinya. Buktikan 1 eks utk menentukan jenis-jenis pwarna wjd dlm sampel mkn itu.
Pls excuse the atrocious typing errors =)
Newsflash: Miss Chung said that if we were absent for more than 15 days this year, we’ll be given a B for attendance. I’m x sure if that includes or excludes the days we were absent with leave =) most probly, it excludes those days. Aight, happy studying! God bless!
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