Our blogmaster buddy from beyond...well.. the gates, just said the blog is dead.Indeed it is kinda!ANYWAY!BAck to some random stuff I remember happening in class.
Present wrapping is currently the class's newest project. All the hype for the food and fun fair is making the whole school somewhat noisier, hungrier and upside down!For one, the lines of people buying food from classes during break time is so freaking long, you'd have to cut out of class early,pull hair, push and all just to get a decent portion of food. And all those standing around, screaming makes you wanna have second helpings..which leads to the long lines again.By the time you get in front of the stall, the food's all GONE, thus making the hungry people noisier and rude.
FYI: There's only 2 more days of class sales left!So eat up!Buy your fav food in these 2 days before the big day, when the normal price is jacked up super high, probably double, or not sold at all!This is our last Food and Fun Fair, so let's make the best of it..and milk it for all its worth.(free periods)
Be sure to stop by the 5Sc1 game stall to see the neatly cut out cow.The cow is currently going under some major painting..painting the cow is soo fun!!PAINTS IT ALL!Props to Joji, who taught us how to actually paint it, without dripping excessive paint all over the place.(I dont paint walls or houses mmmmmmmmmmmkay?)
The History Parliament debate outcomes stand at :
Ellie's group - Majority vote on elimination of government taxes
Geraldine O's group- Minority vote for establishing the 'driving at 16' law
Ellie's group started off pretty well, it was all well, actually.Starting with the VERY formal: Tuan yang di-pertua in every sentence. Her group was unopposed because the opposition party wasn't elected, and her new law seems kinda cool.That means..CHEAPER MCdonald bills!Which is always good.Considering we have to pay slightly more than the peninsular...and more taxes too. Her group won the debate with Claire Su and a group of no less than 3 people opposing, saying the government will be poor without the implied taxes.
My group, was opposed by Rowena's team..and members from my OWN government!*cough* ABI*cough*!The planning started off quite smoothly.Then Tiffany, as the Menteri(Kenderaan and perhubungan) was all : Yeah..I am Menteri, bebehh... After hearing she had to go up against the whole class and not our own group, she decided to mogok, letak jawatan and become and loyar buruk!Chisses ho!
So, I became the Menteri. From not ever debating parliament style, little did I know the opposition doesn't have a MENTERI..so I politely addressed them: Menteri yang dihormati, before fits of laughter came booming from the back of the class, and Ms Tan shot me a 'O.O' look, saying really loudly: EH!Pembangkang no menteri one ah!?!!After the laughing subsided, I continued with the whole debate. "Pembangkang yang dihormati", I said.Still, laughter filled the room.I dont get why they laugh..I mean..it is the correct way of addressing the opposition right??Anywho, I started my debate in BM...knowing my BM speaking skills, it's kinda one word by one word-ish with some kind of non Melayu accent.So, Geraldine C. shouted: Speak in English la! It's hard to switch to English on the spot, so I stood there...frozen..looking at my Peguams..who give really weird points I can't link and I needed a translator really badly. So I finally made my point in rojak Melayu and soon after, Janice shoots her hand up in the air, followed by Abigail.
Janice's point was: Young drivers burden parents more due to the fact that they need to get more cars for the kids. Younger drivers are more wreckless.
Answers: (well, I kinda ignored the first question..forgot to answer it because all of a sudden those hands keep shooting up and Ms tan also started opposing me!)To younger drivers are more wreckless: Well, that's why starting one year earlier is better as it gives you a extra 365 days advantage of practicing on the road.Practice makes perfect!
Abigail's point was: Buying of cars is not healthy for the environment as it pollutes
Answer: Use green engine cars, biofuel cars
Happy's point was: Imported green engine cars are expensive, thus decreasing the nation's income
Answer: Proton should come up with these cars then!
Random question: But younger drivers cause more accidents, how is it better?
Answer: Accidents are unavoidable, therefore, practice is needed to prevent one.Like I said:Driving one year earlier= more days to practice!
Random point: Driving at an earlier age encourages youth to learn to be more independant. They have more responsibilities with the luxury they get for being able to bring themselves around, preparing them mentally for the future! (that was my point actually..just got caught up in the moment...didn't make it clear :S)
The outcome was sad single vote by Mimi.Claire C. voted but was ignored.
NOTE: DONT Y'ALL WANT TO DRIVE NOW?!?Minus the aged who turned 17 already.=P
I mean..show a little love to the young ones man!You wont want to be their taxis until they learn to drive..which is 1 year after you..Do you?!O.o.
ANYWAY!The other teams's debate will only take place when we have extra time for sejarah.To Rowena's group: It is Sooooooooooooooooooooo ON now!