Sunday, July 02, 2006

STS food and fun fair

This is my account of the Food and Fun Fair.Other members are most welcomed to contribute their account, by all means, please do.

The hustle and bustle of the year, it's our school's biennial Food and Fun Fair.The day started off pretty early.I remember reaching the school premises at 6.48am and lots of people were there already and they were busy grating veggies, carrying all the food around, pasting notices, screaming and panicking.

Our stall started frying, well, I was frying.And what kind of french fries take forever to cook?Our stall's!Hell, it took more or less around 15 minutes to fry one batch.You can imagine having to wait for 15 minutes to fry the damn thing.And the oil was like SUPER hot!What kind of fries does McDonald's use that fries in 3 minutes?Frixing ho!

Claire C. fried burger patties and when the patties are cooked, it turned into weird shapes!*only happens to beef patties, the chicken ones do remain round once it's done)Happy's helper was there to help us fry, nice lady really.

I was still busy frying when the people started coming in packs. Claire S. was doing her thang, promoting the food, going: Beef burgers!Chicken burgers!Fish burgers with fries!*breathes*Ayam Kurma, Curry!Masak Merah*breathes*at the top of her lungs.As familiar boys walked by, they were greeted by the girls at the front.I did nothing but fry!!Dang, I only got off from my shift at 11-ish.And I had lots of specs of hot oil flying at me, but luckily I'm not burnt from it.

Claire S. and I went off after that and we went around looking for food.I must say, there were little varieties. Next, we headed to the field where our cow was at.

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Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEveryone just wants a pic with the cow

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There were people playing already.We sat under the 'pasar tani' umbrella the school provided us with and ate our stuff.We spent the rest of the day at the field.Then familiar faces appeared at the netball stall,which is next to the cow.They were: Ivan,Fahri,Alleem,Jim,Sheldon(sp?),Agan

I also hung out with the Sc II's.Their stall was cool,Alisya had the face painting booth set up in the shed and outsider boys volunteered to be goalies and ball pickers(whatever you call them)They were basically just collecting money and chillin.

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Spending time with Ali in the shed was awesome!Agan, Haziq and some other guy had 'I love mommy' written on their arm.People got flags and all sorts of stuff drawn on their body parts.Then, I went into the field to where the cow was.

Ivan shoots like a girl because he did the one leg, one hand way of shooting and scored!(You should consider starting a netball club in your school)They stayed for quite long.It was all fun.Some of us had too many tickets and just gave them away to the boys(we had RM30 worth EACH! the time we finihsed our shifts, we weren't even that hungry,hot and sticky and quite tired from standing in the same spot..we didn't know what to do with it anyway)The first time the boys got a prize, it was some purple and handphone holder,wrapped and shaped like a sanitary pad.They were so excited and Ivan was really happy to get his hands on the prize until he asked what was inside.We said: Well, I think it's a pad.Their faces changed and they started throwing it around like girls.Then Ivan and Jim opened it cautiously at both ends.They were relieved when they saw nothing of white/pink plastic.

After 2.30, our stall still had so many prizes and Georgina or someone decided to have a 'lelong'.So, we had the 'RM10 for 5 minutes'throw for both stalls.Ivan and Jim had the time of their lives picking their papers for prizes.Ivan had lots of food and the RM100 slimming voucher.Jim had food and a PANTYHOSE?!

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We basically chilled out at the netball area until 4pm-ish.By that time, only Ivan,his bro and Jim were left.Being nice sports, they voluntarily helped us girls t clean the field.Thank you IVAN!and your bro.Only when picking up those rubbish did we realise that we were badly burnt.

Other news around the school:
4 people fainted, 2 were sent to the hospital.Reviews of the haunted house was that it was pretty scary.I myself being a sissy girl didn't go because well, IT WAS scary!from what I heard.

So, overall, not to be mean or anything but, I'll rate the food and fun fair SATISFACTORY on the sales and EXTREMELY FUN for the fun part.Excuse my sad account with little things to report about.HOnestly, I only did those stuff the WHOLE day.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ScII's after the food and fun fair

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4ScI stall

Pics courtesy of Tracey and Alisya(of 5scII)

I'd like to thank everyone who showed up and being such good sports to support our school!It means ALOT to us.


At 12:47 p.m., July 09, 2006, Blogger Ah Chan said...

your school fun fair was good.Packed with lots of ppl.Aduh....everyone berpusu-pusu here and there.Your cow game ah....aduh....I threw 1 ball and it GOT IN TO the the end,I got only 5 sweets as my prize????ADUH!!!!...everyone was laughing at me!!...malu lar!!but overall,I think you girls did a very good job.Congratulations!!


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